My name is Malvin; planted and sprouted in Munich, grown in Bergen op Zoom, educated in Utrecht and (for now) settled in Munich. I'm a passionate photographer, focusing on portraits & fashion, street and landscapes.
I started taking pictures early 2000's, as a teenager. It wasn't much back then, when I look back at it, but I discovered that I really liked capturing a moment. Early 2010's I started to take photos on a more serious level, having ideas in mind and turning them into something real. In the past decade I've tried to improve my skills week by week, year by year. And now, early 2020's, I decided to take this wonderful hobby to the next level and professionalize it.
Never have I done a classic photography study. Everything I do was achieved learning by doing. Taking online workshops and seminars, lot's of reading and loooooots of practice.
Practice never ends and photos won't be always perfect. I like to work with people, hence I'm open for TFP shoots and going for a photosession with other photographers. You always learn from others, right?!
So please do contact me if you're interested!